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Job ID : 1379442 Date Updated : October 1st, 2024

カスタマーサービスオペレーター/Customer Service Operator

Hiring Company Genesis Healthcare Co.
Location Tokyo - 23 Wards, Shibuya-ku
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 3 million yen ~ 4.5 million yen

Work Style

Casual Clothing Flex Time

Job Description




General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 1 year
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level None (Amount Used: English usage about 10%)
Minimum Japanese Level Native
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills







  • 賃⾦形態:年俸制(12分割)
  • 通勤⼿当:会社規定に基づき⽀給 上限5万円/⽉
  • 残業⼿当:有(基本給には、45時間分の固定残業⼿当を含む)
  • 45時間の時間外を超過した場合は別途残業⼿当を⽀給する
  • 社会保険:健康保険、厚⽣年⾦、雇⽤年⾦、労災保険
  • その他:ワクチン・予防接種⼿当
  • 産休育休制度(実績あり)

【就業時間】勤務時間 09:30〜18:00(所定労働時間 7時間30分/休憩60分)

  • フレックスタイム制:有(コアタイム 10:00〜15:00)
  • 残業:有(⽉平均20〜40時間)

Job Location

  • Tokyo - 23 Wards, Shibuya-ku
  • Yamanote Line, Ebisu Station

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 3 million yen ~ 4.5 million yen
Work Hours 9:30〜18:00
Holidays 週休2⽇(⼟・⽇・祝)、年次有給休暇(⼊社⽉により4⽇〜15⽇付与)
Industry Retail

Job Category

  • Customer Service, Secretary and Administration > Customer Service, Customer Success
  • Customer Service, Secretary and Administration > Call Center Operator

Company Details

Company Type Small/Medium Company (300 employees or less)
Non-Japanese Ratio Majority Japanese