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PERSOL CAREER CO., LTD.(Bilingual Recruitment Solutions) - Feature Company

PERSOL CAREER CO., LTD.(Bilingual Recruitment Solutions) - Feature Company

Specialized consulting for professionals looking to utilize their language skills

Bilingual Recruitment Solutions (BRS) is the bilingual/multilingual arm of PERSOL CAREER. We specialize in connecting multilingual professionals with firms based in Japan. Our consultants are uniquely able to provide customized and detailed career services based on their area of specialization, while also utilizing the extensive resources of PERSOL CAREER.

Career solutions for each individual

Whether it be work-life balance, growth opportunities, a challenging career, or stability, what one looks for in a job is different for everyone. This is why BRS consultants discuss in detail with candidates about what they look for in a job, and their aspirations for their careers. By doing so, the career options we introduce are truly tailored to each individual's situation.

The type of jobs that can be introduced depends not only on a candidate's desires, but consultants also take into account what skills are needed at a company. At BRS, we introduce positions that vary in terms of the language needed (from English to Chinese to Korean to German, etc.) to the level of proficiency needed. Candidates may be required to have a strong fluency in a particular language or may simply need to have moderate reading skills. We are able to introduce a wide range of opportunities that meet the candidates skills, experience, and expectations.

BRS belongs to the PERSOL Group, one of Japan's largest HR consulting organizations. Our candidates and clients entrust us to be the bridge between bilingual/multilingual job-seekers and companies based in Japan.