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The British School in Tokyo - Feature Company

The British School in Tokyo - Feature Company

The British School in Tokyo

Our School is unique: the British School in Tokyo is the only international school in Japan providing a high quality British education following the English National Curriculum. This enables us to provide our pupils with unprecedented opportunities for academic achievement and a broad and balanced curriculum experience within this extraordinary country of Japan.

The School is a non-profit organisation, overseen by a Board of Trustees representing the British and international community in Tokyo. Her Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador to Japan is the School’s patron.

The majority of students have a British passport, but students from all nationalities are welcome, provided that each child, relative to age, is fluent in English. There are on average over 30 nationalities represented within the School community.

Our teachers are qualified and experienced in the English National Curriculum and are of a very high calibre.

Our expectations are high, our academic results are excellent and we have a happy school.

Fundamental to everything we do in School, are our Core Values:
Confidence in our ability
Excellence in everything we do
Responsibility to ourselves and others