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Frontage -The Communication Entertainment Company.
Communication is elusive.
Logic and good arguments alone do not move people's hearts. Can we understand everything people do if we analyze data? We do not say such lax things.
Our creativity faces the emotions of a single person.
Anger, frustration, protest, sadness, cry, laugh, praise, joy, whimsicality, the moody, and the lovable.
And it is a natural movement of the human mind to want to see what they have never seen and what they have never known.
If all they see is what they have seen before, their hearts will not be moved.
In this sense, new technologies are essential to the evolution of communication.
Idea × Technology.
The heart does not move, only left-brain communication does.
We believe that the hearts can only be moved when the left and right brains are engaged.
Communication is colorful.
By working with us, we hope you feel the same.
Please join us to experience the movement when Idea ×Technology move your emotions.
Frontage -
The Communication Entertainment Company.