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Zpeer Inc. - Company Details

Zpeer Inc.

Company Description

Veterinarians and animal hospitals entrusted with the lives of animals face the daily challenges of dealing with life and death situations.

On the other hand, veterinarians and animal hospitals often have limited access to valuable information and tools to improve animal healthcare, and there are still inefficiencies due to the lack of IT/DX advancement in the field.

We aim to address these issues and make the working environment for veterinarians in animal hospitals as effective as in other industries. As a result, we seek to create a world where animals and their owners can enjoy happy moments together, as long as possible.

In 2013 we established a specialized media for veterinarians, "Vetpeer," which has grown to include 80% of companion animal veterinarians in Japan. We will continue to further enhance "Vetpeer" and promote our business to connect everyone involved in animal healthcare, increase engagement with veterinarians, and create a platform that drives innovation in animal healthcare.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
獣医師コミュニティサイト『ベットピア』の開発、運営 獣医療企業・団体に対する製品開発、マーケティング、販売支援サービスの提供 獣医療企業・団体に対する、開発・上市・マーケティングの総合コンサルティングサービスの提供 飼い主/畜産農家に対する情報サービスの開発、運営 獣医師の求人サービス運営 動物病院向けサプリメント、ユニフォーム、書籍等製品の販売 動物用医療機器の製造販売  
森野 俊哉  


Main Office
11-7 Shinsencho, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1500045

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