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Since our founding in 1948, we at Taica Corporation have worked to enrich people’s lives around the world with technology. In 1974, we developed the world’s first hydrographic printing process, CUBIC PRINTING in 1984, we introduced a revolutionary multifunctional material, αGEL and in 2001, αPLA a ground-breaking series of healthcare products, went to sale. When considering that over the years these three main products and technologies have been used by millions of customers, we are overwhelmed with gratitude.
To reflect this strategy, our corporate identity is “Taica: Bringing surprise and inspiration to the world with innovative technology and ideas.”
This corporate identity represents our determination not to limit ourselves to the concepts and methods of the past and to greatly surpass the world’s expectations by continually creating new value for our customers all over the world. With this corporate identity in mind and our eyes set firmly on the future, Taica Corporation will seek new challenges in the years to come.