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Summit CRM, Ltd. - Company Details

Summit CRM, Ltd.

Company Description

Trading company that contributes to society.

As a trading company that handles carbon related products and raw materials, Summit CRM, Ltd contributes to society by conducting business that integrate customers and suppliers through our product portfolio. We have an important mission to stably provide vital sources for society whilst delivering customer solutions and in an era where the world faces change in energy transition, executing our mission is ever important.

As a Sumitomo Corporation Group Company, we have a shared corporate culture of stepping ahead in dealing with change, creating new value, and broadly contributing to society. As society face new challenges and change, Summit CRM aims to contribute to all our stakeholders by enhancing our expertise, adding value to our existing business and building long-term relationships with customers through networks and knowledge that we have cultivated over the years.

The global society faces a challenge to meeting net zero to realize a sustainable society. In this transition, supply chains will face new challenges to maintain stability and Summit CRM aims to fulfill these demands whilst searching for innovation towards low emission solutions as a Sumitomo Corporation Group Company. Through our carbon business, we have collected and accumulated insight and experience from manufacturing sites to consumers and have the ability to stay ahead of the latest market trend. Summit CRM, believe that transition is a chance, and will keep on the challenge to develop a better future.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
1.炭素関連原材料、燃料、及び製品の輸出入、国内販売 (取扱商品:石炭コークス[高炉用・一般産業用・鋳物用]、CDQ粉コークス、加炭材、石油コークス、無煙炭、コールタール、コールタールピッチ、バイオカーボン、黒鉛化カソードブロック、その他特殊炭素製品、人造黒鉛電極 他) 2.耐火材及び耐火物原料の輸出入、国内販売 (取扱商品:主に製鉄用耐火材・耐火物原料 他) 3.その他関連原材料、燃料、製品の輸出入、国内販売 (取扱商品:鋳造原料、代替燃料 他)  
内田 謙一郎  


Main Office
Sumitomo Shoji Takebashi Bldg. 9F
1-2-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1000003

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