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Financial Partners Group Co., Ltd. - Company Details

Financial Partners Group Co., Ltd.

Company Description

Since our founding in 2001, we have expanded our business areas from our Leasing Fund Business into our Real Estate Fund Business, Insurance Sales Business, and M&A Business in order to meet the diverse challenges and needs of our clients.

We have recently established our new corporate philosophy of “Embracing the future through finance” in order to clarify the mission that we should be fulfilling at all times.

Under this new corporate philosophy, we will always be there to support our customers, and will contribute to solving their future challenges and realizing their dreams, with the ultimate goal of being their Financial Partners in embracing the future through finance.

Looking back at the fiscal year ended September 30, 2022, we have used the environmental changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to diversify and to reform our earnings structure. Specifically, in addition to our Leasing Fund Business, the first pillar of our earnings, we have expanded Real Estate Fund Business into the second pillar, and newly developed International Real Estate investment products to serve as the third pillar.

These initiatives resulted in a significant sales and income expansion with net sales up by 1.8 times, ordinary income up by 2.4 times, and profit attributable to the owners of parent up by 2.9 times compared to the previous fiscal year.

Furthermore, we have fulfilled our pledge of achieving “10 billion yen in ordinary income by fiscal year ending September 30, 2023,” one year ahead of schedule, and so recognize that our efforts have borne fruit and we have shifted to a new growth path.

Going forward, we will follow our new corporate philosophy and aim for record-high* ordinary income and profit attributable to owners of parent as soon as possible, by maintaining and gaining position as a leading company in our business fields through creating new products and services that utilize the finance and real estate licenses, etc. we hold.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
谷村 尚永  


Main Office
JP Tower 29th floor
2-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1007029

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