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The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research - Company Details

The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research

Company Description

The Tokyo Foundation was established in 1997 to fill a need in Japan for an independent think tank undertaking rigorous policy research. Over the next two decades, we emerged as a leading voice in Japan’s public policy community, and in February 2018, we renamed ourselves the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research as our next step in our evolution into a world-class research institute.

From August 2020 to March 2021, we carried out a thorough review of our research activities to better address the major policy challenges confronting Japan and the world. And in October 2021, we announced a restructured system of research programs to identify viables solutions to those challenges.

At a time of sweeping change, the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research seeks to articulate the needs of private individuals and anticipate future developments in offering practicable and evidence-based policy proposals that can help build a public sphere supportive of personal freedom and dignity.

Our activities also encompass developing the next generation of leaders capable of overcoming cultural and other differences to build a better society for all.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
1.政策研究 2.人材育成(将来を担う人材を発掘し育成するプログラムを国内外で実施)  
門野 泉  
Number of Employees
11 - 50  


Main Office
Roppongi Grand Tower 34F
3-2-1 Rippongi, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1066234

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