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WorkView Inc. - Company Details

WorkView Inc.

Company Description

With the motto of "Maximize opportunities for people and organizations" WorkView consultants are working daily to secure job opportunities, focusing especially on the global managerial job market.

By utilizing the strengths of a two-sided agent, we promise to introduce carefully selected job opportunities that consider the potential compatibility between the company and the job seeker, rather than simply matching keywords between the job opportunity and the job seeker.

Since some clients deal directly with executives, we are also able to propose open positions to clients that are not tied to existing job opportunities and are tailored to the skills and preferences of candidates.

In many cases, flexible employment arrangements are required to meet the demand for job opportunities in global expansion, which is accompanied by uncertainty.

As flexibility in individual work styles is expanding, WorkView handles not only full-time employees, but also some contract work (side jobs allowed).

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
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Main Office
Tensho Minamiaoyama building 3F,
2-4-15, Miamiaoyama,, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1070062

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