Login or register to see your saved jobs and receive scout emails
Login or register to find a job

Password change - if you have more than one registered email address


Before starting this, please confirm that you are logged out. If you can see your profile photo, or a temporary profile photo in the top right, please click on the the ▼ and select “Logout”.



If you have lost your password (get reset link): https://www.careercross.com/en/forgot

Please enter your username (registered email address).
※CareerCross allows you to store multiple email addresses, but please enter the address you use as your username.

An automatic email will be sent to your registered email with instructions for how to set up a new password.


Click on the link in the red box (shown above) to set a new password.


Then login with your username (registered email address) and new password.

Please also check 'Change Username' and 'Manage Email Addresses'.
We recommend that you merge your registered email addresses into one (see “How to merge your registered email addresses” below).

※Please note that it is not possible to recover your CareerCross account if you no longer use the same email address or if the address becomes invalid.



How to check your "Priary Email" and "Username"

You can check your "Priary Email" and "Username" from the Emial management page.

How to merge your registered email addresses

To merge them into one, set the same email address for your username and primary email in the following way.

Change the Username

From 'Change Username', please select the email address you wish to use from the options and save it.

Change primary email address


From 'Manage Email Addresses', please select the email address you wish to use for your primary email as well as your username and save it.



Once the changes have been completed and merged into one email address, the 'Manage email addresses' page will appear as shown below.




Once merged, please log in with the username (primary email address) and password you have set up.
*Please delete any unnecessary email addresses.