HYTORC makes industrial bolting safer and simpler. With over 40 years of experience focused entirely on developing the highest quality industrial bolting systems, HYTORC is the most trusted name in the industry. From steel mills and mining equipment to refineries, nuclear power plants, and wind turbines; we have developed solutions for every bolting application imaginable. For custom projects, our highly experienced engineering team will design the most efficient solution for the job.
We are consistently improving upon existing products, and developing new tools, based on feedback from the people that use our tools every day. Our latest product line features patented industry-firsts like hands-free bolting to keep tool operators at a safe distance from the application, added simplicity that can cut job time in half, and industry-leading accuracy to reduce nut loosening and joint failure.
With offices and representatives located all over the World, HYTORC has become well known for quality products and industry-leading customer satisfaction. All of our products are covered by our worldwide one-year no-questions-asked warranty, which includes free parts and labor. Our mission is to make our customers’ jobs as hassle-free as possible and we will do everything in our power to accomplish that.
油圧・空圧工具・ボルト関連製品で、画期的な製品の開発・製造・販売を45年以上に渡り行ってきたアメリカ工具メーカー「ハイトーク」の日本法人です。世界80カ国以上に販売・サービス拠点を置きグローバルな事業を展開しています。専門メーカーとして開発した製品は世界の工業用ボルト作業者に信頼愛用さ れ、主力製品・油圧トルクレンチのシェアーは7割を誇ります。日本国内での主な販売先は、各電力会社、重工業関係、造船、石油精製、製鉄など。